We provide four categories of applications that can be made under Permanent Residency.Theseare provided under Section 37 of the Kenya Citizenship and Immigration Act,2011

(Category A) Application for Permanent Residency by Ex-Citizens of Kenya
We help Kenyan citizens by birth who have since renounced or lost citizenship status and are denied the opportunity by their countries of domicile to hold dual citizenship.

(Category B) Application for Permanent Residency by holders of Work permits
We help individuals persons who have held Kenya work permits for at least seven (7) years and have been continuously resident in the country for three years immediately preceding the permanent residence application including spouses and children.

(Category C) Application for Permanent Residency by Children of Kenya Citizens
We help Children of Kenya Citizens born outside the country and have acquired foreign citizenship of the country of residence/domicile get citizenship.

(Category D) Application for Permanent Residency by Spouses of Kenya Citizens
We help spouses of Kenya citizens married for at least three years.