Endorsement on non-Kenyan Passport for Dual Citizenship
Section 8(1) of the Kenya Citizenship and Immigration Regulation 2012 provides that the passport of any other country that is held by a dual citizen may,upon application by the holder, be endorsed to indicate that the holder is a citizen of Kenya.

Voluntary Renunciation of Kenyan Citizenship
When a Kenyan citizen by birth voluntarily makes a declaration of renunciation of Kenyan citizenship, in the prescribed manner, the Cabinet Secretary shall cause the declaration to be registered.

Dual Citizenship
We help dual citizen shall disclose his/her other citizenship in the prescribed manner within three months of becoming a dual citizen.

Citizenship by virtue of Lawful Residence
We help a person who has attained the age of majority and capacity who has been lawfully resident in Kenya for a continuous period of at least seven years may on application be registered as a citizen.

Regaining Kenyan Citizenship
We help a person who was a citizen of Kenya by birth and who ceased to be a citizen of Kenya because he or she acquired the citizenship of another country may apply in the prescribed manner,to the Cabinet Secretary to regain Kenyan citizenship.

Kenyan Citizenship as a Widow/Widower of a Kenyan Citizen
We help foreigners married to Kenyans to get citizenship.

Kenyan Citizenship for a Child/Dependant
We help a child of a citizen by registration who was born before the parent acquired citizenship may on application by the parent or legal guardian be registered as a Kenya Citizen

Kenyan Citizenship as an Migrant
We help individuals who voluntarily migrated into Kenya before the 12th December, 1963, and has been continuously living in Kenya shall be deemed to have been lawfully resident and may, on application in a prescribed manner,be eligible to be registered as a citizen of Kenya.

Kenyan Citizenship by Marriage
We help individuals who has been married to a citizen of Kenya for a period of at least seven years to get Kenyan Citizenship.

Kenyan Citizenship as a Stateless Person
We help individuals who does not have an enforceable claim to the citizenship of any recognized state and has been living in Kenya for a continuous period since 12th December, 1963,

Kenyan Citizenship by descendants of stateless persons or migrants.
We help individuals who have attained the age of eighteen years and whose parents are or in the case of deceased parents were eligible to be registered as a citizen

Kenyan Citizenship for a Person with disability
We help a child or person with disability who is a dependant of any biological parent or legal guardian who is a citizen of Kenya by registration