Alien Card Registration (Foreign National Certificate)

Registration of foreign nationals is governed by the Kenya Citizenship and Immigration Act of 2011 Part VII (56) 2 Laws of Kenya.The Law requires that all foreigners resident within Kenya for a period exceeding 90 days be registered. Part 1 of the newly enacted Kenya Citizenship and Immigration Act 2011 defines a foreign national as any person who is not a citizen of Kenya. A foreign national’s registration certificate shall be valid for a period not exceeding two (2) years. In case of a permanent residence permit holder,the certificate shall not exceed three (3) years.

Who Qualifies?

  • Visitors staying beyond 90 days.
  • Residents on work permit
  • Resident dependants
  • Students
  • Permanent residents

Exemptions to the Foreign National Certificate/Alien Card

  • Serving members of the armed forces.
  • A public officer and the spouse and children.
  • A person exempted from the provisions of the Act under section 34(3) of that Act.
  • A refugee registered under the Refugee Act 2006.
  • A person who resides in Kenya for a continuous period not exceeding three months and is in possession of a valid visitors pass or other authority under the Act e.g special pass.

Document Checklist

  • A dully filled,signed and stamped online application Form 50.
  • A copy of a valid passport to establish identity and nationality
  • Two recent colored passport size photographs(White background) taken not more than twelve months before date of application.
  • A resident person will be required to produce the above in addition to a valid permit or pass.
  • If the application is for a renewal the applicant will required to produce a previous foreign certificate.
  • For lost alien card, the applicant will be required to produce a valid police abstract as proof of loss.
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    Phone Number Tel: +2547 038 828 097/+254 771 696 726
    Whatsapp: +254 703 828 097
    Email Address
    Office Address View Park Towers, 14th Floor
    Wing C, Suite No. 1
    Nairobi, Kenya.